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AMEV's direct predecessor was Levensverzekering Maatschappij Utrecht, a life insurer established in 1883. Eventually, that company became an insurance company holding called Algemeene Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van Verzekeringsmaatschappijen (AMEV - General company for the exploitation of life insurance companies.) In 1990, AMEV became part of VSB, later called Fortis. The year 2000 saw Fortis AMEV acquire ASR, Amersfoortse Stad Rotterdam, another general insurance company. ASR traces its history to the wordy Maatschappij van Assurantie, Discontering en Beleening der Stad Rotterdam anno 1720 (Company of insurance, discounting and pawning of the city of Rotterdam), the oldest insurer on the European mainland. Fortis was nationalised during the 2008 credit crisis, but the insurance activities of the bank were split off as ASR (now AMEV Stad Rotterdam) and were not involved in the nationalisation.

Filename UAM1
Side 1 Company logo, AMEV MUNT
Side 2 Company logo, AMEV MUNT
Manufacture Brass
Size (mm) 22
Weight (grams) 4.3
Notes Reeded edge
Source Figleaf